Monday, September 15, 2008

CoMpAnY pIcKnIcK

Tonight after a bad day at work David and Addsion picked me up and we headed to a SGPD pick nick. It was so fun to go and forget about the work day that just passed. All of the wife's and babies were there. They all love playing with each other. I love the wife's and kids its so fun to talk about the crazy shedules they have to work. Most of the mommies don't even work so they get to stay home and watch there babies grow. I wish so badly I could. Oh well we live a comfortable life.
While us girls chatted the night away the boys played a game of football and of course glass boy (David) got hurt. OK so kinda off subject, Addison is in love with Shawn Carter. She gets all happy and reaches for him, this big smile is her watching his every move. I love our new friends the lafevre's and Carter's. We all get along so well and love hanging out with each other when we can.


tylerandtia said...

You guys are too cute! Her facial expressions are getting so fun!

tylerandtia said...

If Adi could talk she would say "I want to go hang out with my uncle Tyler really really bad"

Jake and Jen said...

Margie! How was you princess party??