Today is 911. Marks another year has past of lost love ones across the U.S. I support our troops 110%. As some of you know it is also my birthday. Since my 13Th? birthday whenever people as me when it is I get a look of death from everybody. I like to think happy thoughts and have fun but its so hard to because of all the memorial stuff on TV and the radio. I refuse listen to any of it. We get reminded of it every single day and the one day that is special to me I would like to keep it that way. I know this sounds selfish but I've held it in for so long already. I love the country I live in and appreciate the freedoms we have! don't get me wrong but I just want to have fun on this day.
Yes this year is the big 21 and for my birthday David is getting me a massage. Saturday night my family and friends over the age of 21 are all going to mesquite. ever since I can remember I've watched my sister and mom go to bingo and talk about how much fun they had and how much they won or lost. So I finally get to go! Then we are going to the buffet then the CLUB!!! Amanda my older sister is so excited to take me to a club. Pretty Exciting stuff!
Happy Birthday Margie!!!
Hey Did you take pics of your night out??? I wanna see them! Hope you had fun!
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