Thursday, August 14, 2008


So we have had a lot going on in our life. We went to san diego as you can see from the last post and this weekend we are going to a Slack family reunion in cedar. Grandma and Grandpa Slack has rented cabins for each family. We love them so so so much, I don't lnow where we would be without them such a blessing to have them in our lives. Work is going good for the both today marks my 2 years with IHC and David's 1 year with the dept. We wish so badley that I din't have to work but we have to make ends meet. I think everybody knows how that is right now.

Addison is growing so fast she does something new everyday. Here are some things that she has done.she found her toes and munches on them whenever she gets a chance, roll over,she loves to play peek a boo, loves bath time and swimming, and she loves to blow rasberries at mommy and daddy. Its kinda sad cause this week she has an ear infection and all congested and so am I. I guess it all comes with teething.


Stevenson Stories said...

I didn't know you guys had a blog. What a cute little family!

Rebecca and Christy said...

It was so good to see you and your family on Friday. We will miss you!!! We will have to keep in touch. And next time you come to San Diego you will have to come visit.