Last Friday Addison had a docter appointment. i felt kinda bad cause david had just gotten off a gravyard shift 9pm to 7am and the appointment was at 11:00. I really needed him to go last time I went alone a cried more than addison when the nurse gave her the shots, I just really needed his support. So as we are waiting david picks up a Dr. Sues book and reads it to her, she LOVED it. She got so into it. Then when that book was over he picked up a trucks book. It had dump trucks, pick up trucks then a FIRE TRUCK, David reads the page then says "this is what uncle Tyler rides in cause they won't let him drive." it was so funny. David gets so funny when he is tired, I think he is in better moods when he doesn't get sleep. Anyways just some funny stories, by the way she did great with her shots. Daddy picked her up and everything was better.
That is so awesome girl! We miss you guys so much! Call us.. yeah? MUAH!
I Freakin love my Niece!!!!!!!!!! Love Uncle Tyler
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