We are going to Disneyland with just addi next week! that is the most exciting think in our house this past month or so! OK OK I did it! I get crap all the time for not updating but I really never sit at a computer! I do that all day at work! hahaha and i suck at this so here is an explanatin of the pictures. date night with dad, we take just addi out at least once a week so she can get time with us by herself! she is such a good big sister though and she loves scotti so much! sophee and addi best friends EVER! scotti's casts (she doesnt seem to mind hem)Some Family pics our friend did for us and THE ONLY PIC FROM CHRISTMAS I GOT thanks to my sister Amy! Sorry i suck at updating and I dont take many or good pictures... but here ya go!
Here she is! Our little Scottlyn!Borm September 7th at 3:21am. she weighed 7lbs 6oz and was 19 inches yes fatter and shorter than Addison! She is so fun and such a happy baby! Addison is the best big sister and so protective. David loves having 2 princesses no matter how much he wants a boy he is so happy with 2 girls! we love them both so much!
So I did some online shoping! not exactly what I wanted but that one was too exspensive! way out of my budget and this one comes with more and its still LADY BUGS!!!! It comes with the bedding window treatment wall docor and diaper holder!!! LOVE it and its different then everybody else!
So I went to labor and delivery last week cause I was having cramps and contractions. Next thing I know I am getting sterroid shots to help the baby develop cause I am in pre term labor. I was only at a 1cm but 70% efaced!!! from that moment I got put on strickt bed rest no work or walking across the wal mart parking lot until after the baby comes. I'M GOING CRAZY!!!! So while i'm sitting doing nothing I figured I need a project soooo I'm making tutu's! So cute. Addi loves hers (sorry no pics) I am willing to sale them if anybody would like to make an order HA
ok I don't ever update cause I don't feel like I have anything to update... Addi is getting big I'm getting big and david is just getting hotter ha ha I am due sepember 22nd and it just can't come fast enough. Can't wait for our baby girl and these are a few thinkgs I am saving for cause david wont let me justblow the money for it cause "its not needed" (cause we still have everything from addi... oh and we went camping. We had to fight with addi to get her to go after 3 days!
so my picures arent the best but oh well... we got to go to the shooting range today with the pd and see what dada does at work. it was so fun and addi loved it. we got to see the SWAT team in action the dogs the peddle bike guys and the VROOM VROOM (motorcyle) we had a great family night loved it!