In the ER after the IV

First ambulance ride

the pediatric unit

Wagon ride around the hospital

all my new toys

BYE BYE thank you for everything. (she loved the staff)
Since Saturday morning Addison hasn't been feeling well. she vomited a little in the morning lot on my sister at wal mart then a whole lot at David's work Christmas party. We thought well its just the flu. then she wouldn't hold any food down and was sleeping a lot on Sunday by Monday morning @ about 6am she has has enough and so I took her to the ER and David met us there. I figured they would just give her an IV for some fluid but then they checked her sugar level and it was at only 29 and its suppose to be over 100. hey called my Dr and he decided to admit her to the 400 East campus (the old hospital for pediatrics) up until the ambulance got there with Smettee (the emt) she was sick, theeeen she was all better cause when she go into the ambulance they blew kisses at each other played peek aboo and she was trying to hold his hand. it was so cute cause it was the most active she had been for a couple of days. when we got the the 400 campus she was the star of the show. she got all the attention then came more sickness at about 8:00pm. we were so thankful for all the nurses and visitors cause with out then I would have lost it. I was a basket case. I think the hardest thing when ou have a child is seeing them sick and hooked up to an IV for over 24hrs. We got to come home at about 5pm today and she is doing well. I guess it was the ROTA virus. your guess is as good as mine . I have never heard of it. I will keep everybody posted. Thank you so much to all he family and friends for the support and prayers. We greatly appreciate it. oh yes by the way all together she got 3 bears one ginger bread mad a frog a frog blanket and a Christmas blanket. I guess its the special treatment for being there during the holidays.
I'm glad to hear that Addison is okay. Keep me posted on what's going on.
I am so happy she is ok. Those first few pics are the saddest things. Do you guys need anything? Let me know if I can do anything for ya ok. Give Adi kisses for me. Love you guys, Merry Christmas!
Margie let me know if you need anything. You guys are in our prayers. Merry Christmas
That poor thing! From the first picture I thought she broke her wrist!
Margie it's chanel I found your blog and wanted to say hi! im glad addison is doing better..Cache and I are finally getting married on March 21st. I have a pic of my dress on my blog. I add you to mine. Mine is:
Hey it is Tina (Twiggs) Kaminska! I can't believe how big she is and I am glad to see that she is ok! I can't even imagine how scary that would have been! I hope you guys are doing well!! When are you going to have baby number two?!? You should join the club - I hear EVERYONE is doing it! You guys have a BEAUTIFUL family!!!!
Sorry to hear about the trip to the hospital, but I'm glad she's ok now! She just gets cuter and cuter! Happy New Year!
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