Tuesday, July 1, 2008


So I just recently quit Zion orthopaedics I
really think its a good move. I love my new job.
The Doctor and the people are so awesome.
I miss my girls at the other office can't
replace them but I had to do it. I'm closer to
home and no Fridays who can complain? The
hardest part is leaving my
beautiful baby girl and husband every morning.
I feel like I'm missing out on everything but its
what we have to do to make ends
meet. David says I would'nt have to work if i quit
spending money but i don't believe him.
Needless to say I'm not going to be happy
until I'm home with my family?

1 comment:

Rebecca and Christy said...

Margie, we miss you too. It's not as sunny here anymore. I know how hard it is to leave your baby and go to work. It will all work out though. :)